September 15th 2007 - Return to Turning Stone with the Flyers

September 15, 2007

We try to do one reunion show a year and because we had not done one in 2006, we called the Flyers' Mike Marzullo to see if they might be interested in doing another show with us at the Turning Stone. We had not played the TS in three years and thought the time was right for a return.

The call was placed to Mike and within a few days Chris Tso called our manager to go over a few things before agreeing to sign on to play with us again. Unlike the previous reunion with these two bands, the process went quickly and without any undue stress. We went on first as that was the agreement our manager had made during the first pairing of the two bands.

Outside of some "advertising misunderstanding" problems on the Casino's end, it was a seamless engagement. We unveiled a new Alecstar song during our set - the first in two decades! We had another new song, but we just could not get it down with one day of practice. Fourteen songs is a lot to go over in one day. We hope to play it at our next reunion.

It was unfortunate that the TS had stopped allowing alcohol to be brought in. That has since changed, but our show was right in the middle of their "dry" period. We still had a great time. The night ended with another all-star jam right after the Flyers' energy packed set. As much as we used to be rivals with the Flyers, we look forward to those jams as much as the fans do.

Like all the previous reunions, this one ended all too quickly. The months of planning and preparing were over in a few short hours. We are only too happy to play for our fans and hopefully rekindle those days that were probably easier for all of us. Thank you all for your support. See you next year!

The Alecstar Band

Read more about our history here